A Professional anniversary for Suda


Suda Chriedchay is the Chef in Piccola Roma Palace, assisting the Master Chef Angelo Faro, since 17 years.
She started her career in Bangkok, working with her mother in Thai restaurants.
She shifted to Chiang Mai around 18 years ago, starting to work in Piccola Roma Palace where she has been directly trained, for Italian food, by Master Chef Angelo Faro.
In 2003 she got an important award by FIC (Federazione Italiana Cuochi; Italian Federation of Cooks)


The Federation is composed by 120 provincial associations and several associations and delegations all over the world, for a total of 20000 professionals involved and it is the only representative, in Italy, of WACS (World Association of Cooks Societies).
The award has been directly conferred to Suda by Gianpaolo Cangi, the former General Secretary of FIC World.
During her long experience as Chef, in Piccola Roma Palace, Suda had the honor of serving Royal Families of Thailand and Bhutan and many diplomats in visit in Chiang Mai.
We recently had a party, in Piccola Roma Palace, to celebrate the 17th anniversary of Suda’s jon in our restaurant.



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