Purtroppo abbiamo registrato due nuove recensioni negative, palesemente false, da concorrenza sleale ai danni del nostro ristorante. Per la prima, cliccare qui, per la seconda, qui.
Di nuovo vi chiediamo cortesemente di segnalarne la tendenziosita’ a Trip Advisor utilizzando l’opzione “problem with this review”, in basso a destra ed a proporre recensioni veritiere.
Again we are victim of fake reviews on trip advisor. To read them you’re very welcome to click here and here.
We would be very thankful if you use the option “problem with this review”, below on the right side, explaining that the reason of these difamatory reviews is an unloyal competition and you’re very welcome to post truthful reviews .
Abbiamo il piacere di annunciare ai nostri sostenitori che la recensione diffamatoria su Trip Advisor di cui abbiamo scritto nel precedente post, a seguito di diversi interventi della “comunità” di Piccola Roma Palace è stata cancellata. Vi terremo informati sull’andamento delle recensioni, sapendo di contare sul vostro supporto qualora una concorrenza meschinamente sleale lo richiedese di nuovo.
Da diverso tempo Piccola Roma Palace è vittima, sul sito trip advisor di recensioni fraudolente e diffamatorie come la seguente:
Everything is massively overpriced. No bottles of wine for less than 1500 bhat, and somehow the wine isn”t even very good. The house steak at 1700 bhat doesn”t compare favorably with other steaks in town going for half that price. The pasta dish we tried was actually pretty bad with an out of the bottle cream sauce, old salmon, and stale noodles. Over all a complete waste of 150 usd, I really don”t understand the favorable reviews of this place. Avoid.
Visitato a Maggio 2013
La presente – che è solo l”ultima, in ordine di tempo, di altre che presentano grossomodo lo stesso stile – è clamorosamente falsa per le seguenti ragioni:
A) Io non uso salmone nel mio ristorante da quando è diventato difficile, in Thailandia, trovarlo fresco;
B) La mia carne – come si può leggere dal menu del ristorante cui io non posso, in quanto ristoratore da quasi 60 anni, non attenermi – costa 900 bath a porzione, non 1500. Che dire? Che trip advisor sta abbassando clamorosamente il mio punteggio (cruciale per l”immagine del ristorante) perché chi diffama sa bene cosa sta facendo, sa quali parole chiave inserire nelle recensioni negative, proprio per farmi retrocedere sul sito in questione (ad esempio in diverse recensioni negative si enfatizza che il ristorante sia vuoto, parola chiave che incide molto nelle retrocessioni If the learner has had any professional defensive driving online course lessons it would be beneficial for the learner to practice what was taught in the last lesson to reinforce understanding. automatiche sul sito). Io ho anche fondati sospetti in merito all”autore di atti così vili ed inqualificabili. Un ristoratore improvvisato, a Chiang Mai, che cerca in questo modo a dir poco sleale di danneggiare un concorrente. Ovverosia una persona che, in passato, l”ha aiutato ad avviare il proprio ristorante. Questi potrebbe commissionare recensioni fraudolente e diffamatorie a terzi la cui identità può essere tutelata dal nome fittizio che trip advisor consente di utilizzare a coloro che creano un account. Io, insieme ad amici e clienti che hanno a cuore Piccola Roma Palace, sto reagendo. Naturalmente non con altre recensioni diffamatorie (sarebbe ben meschino scendere a certi livelli) ma segnalando puntualmente a Trip Advisor le incongruenze delle recensioni fraudolente e diffamatorie. Nel caso, ad esempio, della recensione che abbiamo citato in precedenza, io posso facilmente dimostrare che è fasulla allegando i bill del periodo cui si riferisce (Maggio 2013), in cui non vi è menzione né della carne né del salmone. Postare recensioni fraudolente e diffamatorie è illegale e legali possono essere le conseguenze di chi si diletta in quest”arte ignominiosa. Io non ho più alcuna intenzione di subire affronti e danni di immagine e, di conseguenza, economici, dunque invito tutti gli amici di Piccola Roma Palace, oltre che a scrivere recensioni realiste sulle esperienze gastronomiche nel mio ristorante, ad aiutarmi a bilanciare gli effetti di atti come quelli descritti. Come? Ad esempio controllando periodicamente la sezione di Piccola Roma Palace su trip advisor e, in presenza di recensioni che si prestano ad essere considerate fraudolente e diffamatorie, utilizzare l”opzione in basso a destra “problemi con questa recensione”, segnalandone la tendenziosità. So di poter contare sulla lealtà di chi da sempre ha in Piccola Roma Palace un rifugio di ristorazione di qualità, valore cui ho dedicato quasi 60 anni della mia vita. Io, per parte mia, continuerò a segnalare eventuali nuove recensioni fraudolente e diffamatorie su Facebook e sul mio sito e vedremo se certa gente realizzerà che più che occuparsi di denigrare gli altri sia il caso di iniziare a pensare e vivere in maniera meno miserabile. Grazie!
«These memories, or recollections, are disrupted and get lost at times because such is life… My life is a life made of all lives: the poet’s lives». Pablo Neruda: I confess I”ve lived
A character, in a few words, who has probably eschewed insidious identity crises. Those that can hit one who leaves the benchmarks of a safe harbour to choose, in a certain measure audaciously, the ‘open sea’.
Before landing in Thailand, Angelo lived for various years in Amsterdam where he took over the restaurant of a friend, who ended up entangled in the Dutch bureaucracy and penalised to a great extent by the fact of being, simply, Italian.
Angelo soon came to his aid and, vis-à-vis with a ginger and racist official, he swiftly took a decision: bringing his catering activity in the Dutch capital.
That’s water under the bridge now, it followed the meeting with his second wife, Marisa, from Chiang Mai and the relocation in the ‘land of free men’: the old, rich Siam.
A relocation that has been immediately constructive, in its literal sense, made of purchases of land and construction of buildings. He would not have wanted to work anymore, after being subjected to thefts and armed robberies in his Italian restaurant, after having suffered the cold of Dutch winters, after coming to the — legitimate — conclusion, of having worked enough.
But his art, his qualifications as Master Chef of the very ancient Chaîne des Rôtisseurs (whose story dates back to the 1248) or as Sommelier, would have gone “waste” and therefore, in his 50s, he decided to restart, by opening the first Italian restaurant in Chiang Mai.
Today that restaurant is still there and in good health and Angelo, despite suffering from diabetes since his youth, and his legs not being in the best conditions, keeps being its genius loci.
Generous portions and vintage wine
Food and wine quality at Piccola Roma Palace can easily pass the five star cuisine exam. But there is more to it! Aforesaid cuisine, against an unquestionable finesse and, hopefully, excellent quality of ingredients, risks to tumble on an essential problem: it’s easy that it won’t be filling.
Angelo himself told me about a high catering training that he had attended in a Bavarian castle. The food, obviously, was not lacking but, he told me, the portions were so moderate that, when the class bell rang, the defendants departed cautiously…
to then meet all again at the weinstube of the neighboring town to “eat for real”.
In this regard, he has chosen to combine the exquisite quality of the ingredients and the deep professional expertise that befits a Master Chef of his level with the traditional Roman culinary culture, according to which “when it’s time to eat, let’s eat!”
The portions at Piccola Roma Palace are therefore, almost royal, and served in the best Thai jameshallison casino manufacture porcelain platters (Royal Porcelain).
The restaurant’s wine cellar offers vintage wines that, in Thailand, can cost hundreds or so much as thousands of euros. Angelo, furthermore, has not neglected his craze for collecting throughout his life. This is why, over the decades, he has collected, for instance, bottles of whiskey that are over a century old.
One evening I myself, as a guest with two friends in his restaurant, had the privilege of tasting a 75 year old whiskey.
All this, however, shouldn’t scare potential customers because, if one decides to drink beer or a wine at affordable prices (the restaurant’s wine cellar doesn’t lack them), one can enjoy an excellent dinner and spend less than one would spend in an average Italian restaurant.
Prestigious guests
Angelo’s litmus paper competence (that marries with a peculiar veracity and the cocktail, for people who know how to live, can esily be winning) can be found immortalized on the walls of the restaurant. With time indeed, members of royal families, Hollywood stars, politicians, diplomats and not only followed one another at Piccola Roma Palace.
In particular, Angelo had the incomparable honour, in the hosting culture (traditionally monarchic), to receive a few times for lunch or dinner the queen, the princess and several members of the Thai royal family, the king of Bhutan and other important members of the Bhutanese royal family.
Time ago after all, in Europe, he didn’t miss the chance to offer his art to to the British and Dutch royal families.
Hollywood stars, passing by Chiang Mai, are regularly his guests (and he did not discard being immortalized while “grabbing” Angelina Jolie).
Voluntary work with dogs and the sangha blessing
But that’s not all. Angelo isn’t a gentleman, although authentic, only in his restaurant. He maintains a commendable stature also in his little free time (the restaurant is open seven days a week and Angelo doesn’t like to entrust the management to somebody else) that he tends to spend with his dogs.
What’s unique is that these are not three or four and not even seven or eight. Angelo takes care of, altogether, about 150 dogs. Megalomaniac, as usual!
In Thailand strayism is not as dramatic as, for instance, in the nearby India but there is still the problem of many poor animals that do not have a caretaker and that could easily have it bad.
Buddhist monasteries, in compliance with the principle of compassion taught by the Buddha and by enlightnened kings like the Indian Ashoka – whose missionaries spread buddhism for the most part of Asia and who still represents the model of the exemplar monarch- take care of them, not without Angelo’s help.
He certainly doesn’t skimp on the costs of food and, especially, medical treatments.
His dogs reciprocate him with a touching devotion and several monks and abbots of the sangha (Thai monastic community) have a relationship of an unusual familiarity with Angelo, often reducing those physical distances with lay people that the tradition prescribes to them.
Angelo has decided that, on the day of the plunge, he will want to rest (finally…) on the land of a buddhist monaster, in Chiang Mai, without renouncing to his Catholic faith though.
But we: VIP, common men and stray dogs, would do well to wish him a long and genuine presence in his restaurant, behind his cart of fresh pastas, delicious mushrooms, refined steaks, or in his Asian, especially Chinese, antique shop.
Yes, because Angelo other than being a Master Chef has also half a century of experience as an antique dealer but this is another story, to which we will probably return.
Master Chef Angelo Faro works 7 days for week but he doesn’t miss moments of relax. Taking care of approximately 100 dogs represents a good way to break with his demanding business activities expressing the love of his huge and merciful hea…rt. This is just a second fragment of a longer documentary we’re doing on Angelo Faro, owner of Piccola Roma Palace high quality Italian Restaurant and Ninantiques shop in Chiang Mai.
Il Master Chef Angelo Faro lavora sette giorni a settimana ma non manca di concedersi momenti di relax. Prendendosi cura di circa 100 cani ha modo di “staccare” dalla sua impegnativa routine quotidiana lasciando spazio alla sua natura più compassionevole.
Questo è appena il secondo frammento di un documentario che stiamo preparando su Angelo Faro, proprietario del prestigioso ristorante italiano Piccola Roma Palace e del negozio di antiquariato (soprattutto cinese) Ninantiques, a Chiang Mai, nella Thailandia del nord.
In February we had honourable guests in Piccola Roma Palace: Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, with Its Director, Mr. Yuji Mori. They came for a diplomatic dinner with The Republic of the Union of Myanmar’s Ministry of Immigration and Population, Mr. H.E U Khin Yi, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Mr. U Ohn Myint and the Minister of President Office Aung Min.
The 23th September 2012, to celebrate its new look, Robinson Department Store, in Chiang Mai (Thailand) hosted tables and menus by several well-known local restaurants, including Cuisine de’ Garden, Le Crystal, Piccola Roma and Mira Terrace.
Master Chef Angelo Faro has set a classic Italian style table and has been interviewed by an important Thai tv.
Frank Bruno: a British former boxer whose career highlight was winning the WBC heavyweight championship in 1995. Altogether, he won 40 of his 45 contests. Like Henry Cooper before him, Bruno has remained a popular celebrity with the British public since his ring career ended.
Angelina Jolie: an American actress and director. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards, and was named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress by Forbes in 2009 and 2011